Udeni started his journey on Wednesday and at dusk on Friday evening he had arrived at Kelleberrin. He has travelled 259 kilometers (161 miles) to date.
"Today I had to start the day at 10AM and rode until 4PM. Tonight I should be able to find a backpackers' to stay in. No major obstacles today. When you see trucks coming the tricky part is that there's no room for two trucks parallel on the road. When this happens, you need to get off the road quick smart! It's a good thing I brought a rearview mirror.."
"As for the last couple of days, things have been going relatively smoothly, although I've been pretty sore! The hottest temperature so far has been 29 degrees. Yesterday the Kelleberrin Road House gave me a cheap stay and a complementary glass of house wine when they found out about what I've been doing. On Day One there were some issues with my rear tyre, which started leaking. This made it really difficult to get up the hill to Northam, with a huge amount of resistance on the wheel. Got this fixed though and now everything seems to be working well...
I'm looking forward to getting into a routine. The trailer on the back is slowing the riding down significantly, but it's still ok. At this point I'm carrying about 25 kilos on the trailer. Some sections across the Nullabor I'll have to carry far more water."